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The Problem

Fixing Issues before they become Problems.

Spending Time and Money now to prevent even bigger unexpected costs down-the-road!

Repair Costs

P.M Costs

Future Repairs



Repair Costs

P.M Costs

Future Repairs




How We Make It Work!
(aka what makes us unique)

Be sure to check out our company newsletter

to see what crazy things we are up to!

background scene

Step 1

Observation, Diagnosis, or Inspection.

Step 2

Develop a Plan to address the work needed.

Step 3

Complete the required work, and Test!  All work is video recorded to ensure integrity.

Pricing Structure

Whether it’s in our shop, In the Field (On-Site), or on the Side of the Road (Service Call), we can accommodate most Service, Maintenance, and Repair situations that arise.

Standard Shop Labor = 85.00/Hr

On-Site Labor = 95.00/Hr

Service Call Labor = 125.00/Hr

Sometimes you just need some reassurance. 

We are here to help.

Whether it’s interpreting an Oil Sample Report, or providing help in Spec’ing a new piece of equipment, we have plans that can give you the peace of mind you are looking for at a reasonable price.
